About Me

(in about 109 words)


I am a research postgraduate student in HKUST alpacas research group, supervised by professor Amir Goharshady. I am interested in progaming analysis, blockchain system, and parameterized algorithm. I am currently working on static program analysis.

I like

  • boradgame
  • badminton
  • guitar
  • book
  • film
  • Japanese anime
  • Pokemon !!!

Fun facts

  • I kept a long distance relationship with my girlfriend for 4 years (US to UK), and we are still together
  • I have a lovely sister who is 10 years younger than me.
  • I seriously have no sense of direction.
  • I hate eggplant, but I do not know why.
  • I have two cats, they are cute but they like fighting at midnight.